Tuesday, 31 May 2011

New Head!

I have been starring at the head I was working on last week, for a few days now, I just don't like it. I can not work out how to fix it or make it look any where near how I wanted it,  so rather than spending lots of frustrating hours trying to fix it or ending up with a head the size off a peanut. I have decided  cut a new one.
I have used the same pattern as for the previous head but, I will carve it very differently this time.
Using  the band saw I cut out the rough shape, and then I sanded  off the rough bits and rounded the edges. This makes it a lot easier to carve in the long run. I have cut away the excess wood around the nose, so that I have an good idea of were the rest of the features will fit. Over the next few days I will do a lot more to get the head to a rough finished state.
I am taking a Puppet Carving class in a few weeks, and one of the things the tutor has asked is for the students to bring any of their own work, I want to get this doll to a stage were all the carving is done and she only has sanding left to do.

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